
SEBAC-Nepal has implemented a total of 10 projects in the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM), Biodiversity and Natural Resources Management and Climate Change themes and has achieved following achievements in the sector.

Key Quantitative Achievements in Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management and Climate Change Sector: 

  • Community irrigation facilities provided to 9,500 hectares land in mid hills, mountain and terai communities for crops and vegetables production.
  • Establishment and management of agro-forestry garden (trees and vegetables) among 404 HHs
  • Established 255 agro-forestry groups and promoted sustainable land use management
  • 165 Community fish ponds constructed, rehabilitated and managed, promoted community led aqua-culture, and community agro-farm forestry
  • Benefited 187,975 HHs through crops diversification
  • Indigenous crops production and promotion to 36,000 HHs of 12 districts
  • Promotion of 26 community forestry through nursery development and distribution
  • River training works at 102 places by 6,984 HHs through gabions and planting bamboos and other species
  • Watershed management through soil conservation activities at 15 places
  • Establishment of groups, awareness and promotion of river bank farming among 9,544 HHs at 47 places
  • Promoted sustainable alternative clean energy through solar tuki distribution to 6,150 HHs
  • Installed and promoted Bio gas plant among 8,200 HHs along with improved cooking stoves and lighting
  • Supported 146,000 HHs for production of seasonal and off-seasonal vegetables inclusive of seeds support
  • Plantation of 246,000 trees of various species involving 8,200 HHs in the river banks and landslide areas
  • Developed 222 environment plans and climate resilient water safety plans and Adopted climate-smart practices and technologies in managing natural and local resources for development.
  • 12 events of Policy dialogues on climate change adaptation,
  • Promoted organic crops with vermin-composting manure among 730 HHs
  • Bio-engineering interventions in landslide treatment and mitigation