
SEBAC-Nepal has implemented a total of 21 projects in the Livelihood, Agriculture and Economic Recovery themes and has achieved following achievements in the sector.

Key Quantitative Achievements in Livelihood, Agriculture and Economic Recovery Sector: 

  • Benefited 187,975 HHs through crops diversification
  • Indigenous crops production and promotion to 36,000 HHs of 12 districts
  • Provided training to 5,343 local farmers to adopt improved agricultural practices, including water-efficient irrigation technologies.
  • Strengthened capacity of 326 farmers groups covering 7,851 households through livelihood skill training
  • Supported 146,000 HHs for the production of seasonal and off-seasonal vegetables inclusive of seeds support
  • Established 180 community fish ponds for income generation activities.
  • Developed 80 agro vet entrepreneurs
  • Promoted river bank farming for 80 landless families covering 30 hectares of riverbed
  • 5000 youth provided with employment opportunities through vocational skill development training and
  • 26 Youths provided with 15 months Junior Technical Assistant (JTA) training on Agriculture and Livestock accredited
  • An average of 430 saving and credit groups were formed and mobilized